When we were stuck at home during the lockdown, there was one activity that we all did (no, it’s not baking bread or making Dalgona coffee!). Whether we admit it or not, we were hooked on YouTube. As the pandemic unfolded, we kept ourselves amused by watching pranks, trick shots, conspiracy theories, educational content, sports-related content, reaction videos, and much more. CNBC and Business Standard have the numbers to prove it—YouTube saw an 8% growth in usage, and advertising revenue rose to a staggering $7 billion within two years (2019-2021). This upsurge in demand has attracted young and old alike to start their own YouTube channels. However, as viewers, we often feel frustrated trying to find credible and quality content in this multitude of madness. Below are a few YouTube channels you can explore without compromising the quality of the content you wish to see.
Beyond the Screenplay
Attention aspiring screenwriters! This is for you! The videos on this channel each discuss a particular movie’s plot, setting, and script. Beyond the Screenplay (a subordinate of Lessons from the Screenplay channel) does not simply praise a film; instead, the team critically analyses its representation. The channel, which features a panel of 4-5 members, was launched in 2019 and quickly gained wide acclaim. Various points are presented casually through panel discussions, which makes for great entertainment. While the channel only has 18,300 subscribers, the amount of perspectives it offers is enormous.
Front Page Tech
Typically, tech reviews are so jargon-driven that they are difficult for laypeople to follow. Unlike this, Front Page Tech introduces its viewers to the world of technology in everyday, straightforward language. The creator, Jon Prosser, impresses the viewers with his unique presentation and his excellent use of humour. In short, we can learn and laugh at the same time. Though Prosser started the channel in 2013, he began posting videos regularly only in 2019. Each video points out a tech product’s flaws and advantages in a sarcastic tone, making for a compelling watch. This YouTube channel is perfect for all the geeks who can handle technology-related jokes and even beginners who wish to learn more about the latest buzz in the world of tech.
The Psych Show
The importance of mental health is now advocated worldwide on various scales. However, the true meaning of mental well-being and its attainment is still largely unknown. That is where The Psych Show comes in. Dr Ali Mattu, a cognitive behavioural therapist, started the YouTube channel to create awareness about mental health through the application of psychology in our daily lives. Unlike other programmes that handle psychology, Dr Mattu describes the concepts with the help of movies, TV series, case studies, and real-life examples. The visual aids enhance the content quality. He has also collaborated with HBO to promote series such as Euphoria and Game of Thrones.
DW Planet
Natural calamities and diseases are emerging and evolving at an alarming rate due to global climate change. Deutsche Welle Planet is a YouTube channel centred in Germany that aims to promote sustainable options for the safety of humanity. It releases 10-15 minute videos covering topics like pollution, carbon emissions, food waste, etc. Though the channel includes intellectually challenging ideas, the method of presentation simplifies them. Within a year of its launch, the channel acquired over 200,000 subscribers. Unlike other media emphasising climate change, DW Planet formulates scientific solutions to climate change. Surprisingly, these solutions are pretty simple and can be applied even in our households. Indeed, a time like this calls for such channels to create widespread awareness of the consequences of climate change.
Aam Aadmi Podcast
A progressive society should debate controversial subjects. To achieve social change, individuals must respond to these issues. Through the Aam Aadmi Podcast, Kevin John aims to be that unique voice in society. Aam Aadmi Podcast comprises 20-45 minute videos discussing relevant social issues. The podcast invites contemporaries to discuss several dimensions of the topic under consideration. Do not mistake Aam Aadmi Podcast for a conventional, boring talk show. The interviews are well-articulated and meticulously crafted. The casual conversations and their modulations incentivise the audience to gradually immerse themselves in the discussions. Though the channel is relatively new, its topics and execution are diverse. The second season of this channel is set to release later in the year.
These are some channels that have the potential to exceed your expectations. Remember, some of these are relatively new, so do not expect an enormous subscriber count. However, the content they produce does not compromise on quality. So do check out these quality YouTube channels, and get ready to be pleasantly surprised.