
All the latest digital trends and innovations—the metaverse, NFTs, CGI avatars, blockchain technology, VR, AR, MR, AI, and more.

Social engineering attacks

The threat of social engineering attacks

From the preying claws of cyber crimes

eDNA: a new frontier in environmental conservation

The groundbreaking science behind nature's genetics
Water data and technology

The rising tide of water data and technology

Every drop of information can quench a need
data feminism

Data feminism: seeing through the data bias

Taking down the patriarchy one byte at a time
Sustainable technology

Sustainable technology: balancing risks and rewards

The latest crop of technology needs a reality check


3D printing---adding 'depth' to printing

3D printing—adding ‘depth’ to printing

Let’s unpack this new dimension!
NFT---nifty, shifty, or a bit of both?

NFT—nifty, shifty, or a bit of both?

How reputable are these tokenised digital assets?