Influencer marketing vs Traditional marketing

Traditional marketing is undoubtedly an essential facet of a business’s growth plan.

It involves budgeting for TV and radio commercials, brochures, and billboards to grab the eye of semi-targeted audiences.

It also casts a net through other broadcasts like direct mails or phone calls.

The biggest issue with traditional marketing and advertising using primarily offline methods is low interaction.

This is further compounded by the difficulty it poses concerning updating brand-related information.

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In contrast, influencers offer easy and direct solutions to these problems.

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According to a Nielsen survey, 92% of people trust recommendations from friends and family when making a purchase decision more than other forms of advertising.

Influencers, with their direct connection with their fans and followers involving frequent exchanges and give-aways, achieve word-of-mouth marketing quite easily.

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Influencer marketing also offers greater ease of measuring results, a more extensive range of audiences, and efficiency at a much lower cost.

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As the needs of consumers evolve, influencers have the latitude to tweak their marketing strategies—something offline and traditional marketing cannot as easily achieve.

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