Managing Long COVID-related anxiety

If your physician hasn’t warned you about Long COVID, you might not connect mental health symptoms with a COVID-19 infection.

However, therapists worldwide are now learning more about the psychological and neurological effects of COVID-19.

A good therapist will be able to help you see if your symptoms started or worsened after the infection.

As with any form of anxiety, therapy can help, and regardless of the cause, a therapist can help you with the following:

Identifying the physical symptoms of anxiety: This helps prevent full-blown anxiety attacks and also enables you to reduce persistent tension.

Managing symptoms of anxiety: The therapist will help you calm down using specific grounding techniques, cognitive and mindfulness tools (like journaling).

Recognising external or internal triggers: The therapist will help you recognise events (even things like hunger and thirst!) that may trigger anxiety.

Anxiety is not pleasant to experience, but you can definitely manage it with the right tools.

And once you have used these tools to reduce anxiety and feel calmer, you start to feel more confident in your ability to handle this.

And when you become confident about managing your anxiety, future anxiety attacks will feel more manageable from the onset.