
All the latest digital trends and innovations—the metaverse, NFTs, CGI avatars, blockchain technology, VR, AR, MR, AI, and more.

Digital tools in journalism

Technology and journalists: a digital tool for every need

Reporting live from every platform and portal you can imagine!
Digital carbon footprint

How do you manage your digital carbon footprint?

Treading lightly is easier than you might imagine
AI and accessibility

How AI applications improve accessibility

One technology to reach them all

Renewables: recent trends in energy storage

Make it sustainable, make it in surplus, and save it
Drone technology

How drone technology is changing the world

The future hovers over our heads


3D printing---adding 'depth' to printing

3D printing—adding ‘depth’ to printing

Let’s unpack this new dimension!
NFT---nifty, shifty, or a bit of both?

NFT—nifty, shifty, or a bit of both?

How reputable are these tokenised digital assets?